Grace Hung (’29) Oct. 3, 2022
Ms. Konicki is the secondary principal of AST. This is her first year in Taiwan. She originally became a principal thanks to her principal who believed in her ability to lead a school. Ms. Konicki also likes the time she gets to spend with kids of all ages and is excited to be at AST to work with elementary through high school students. Ms. Konicki likes four things at AST: small classes, the students, working with the staff, and seeing students trying their best. Ms. Konicki formerly taught science in middle school and she taught biology in high school. She felt that being a secondary principal is important because students and teachers could go to her whenever they have any problems. Ms. Konicki enjoys interacting with students as well as helping them or teaching them new knowledge.
Ms. Konicki 是AST中學部校長,這是她在台灣的第一年。她想要在一個有小學和中學部的國際學校工作,她喜歡小學部和中學部在同ㄧ個校區。她會想當中學校長是因為她以前有一個相信她的能力的校長。Ms.Konicki 很喜歡小孩,她也很喜歡AST的四個特點:小班級、學生,與同事們一起工作以及努力做到最好的學生們。Ms.Konicki 以前教過中學的科學和高中的生物學,她也覺得中學部校長這個職位很重要,因為她很樂意在學生或老師有任何問題的時候協助他們。Ms.Konicki 很享受當中學部的校長,因為她不僅能跟學生互動,也能教他們新的知識。