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Faculty Spotlight~ Mr. Tim Michael

Yuwen Chang (’29), Enya Chen (’29), and Nero Ho (’29) Apr. 12, 2023

Mr. Tim Michael is a middle school teacher teaching geography and history in AST. He has lived in Taiwan for 23 years. He likes it here, feels like being here, and wants to be in Taiwan. He first came to Taiwan as his father was in the US military in Taiwan, from 1973-1975. He came back to Taiwan as a senior in high school, from 1985-1986. During his childhood, he moved around the world from base to base which made him learn about cultures from different countries such as Taiwan. He attended Western Washington University in Washington state as well as Indiana Wesleyan University. Once during an interview to teach at Morrison Academy, his principal asked him if he wanted to teach history because of how many history classes he took during university which got him into history and geography. He taught for about 20 years. He first taught English Language Arts for half of his teaching career.

During his free time, he enjoys reading books and articles. He recommends reading the book “His excellency George Washington” by Joseph J. Ellis and also recommends reading any book written by Graham Greene. He also enjoys watching and analyzing movies. What he learned over the years of his father in war is that he knows how to deal with if he was kidnapped or something also he learned to sacrifice himself for anything such as friends. He also believes that AST is improving more and more because people in the school are improving the school.

Mr. Tim Michael 是一名在 AST 教授地理和歷史的中學教師。 他在台灣生活了23年。 他喜歡這裡,也想待在台灣。 他第一次來台灣是因為他父親在台灣的美軍基地。 童年時期,他輾轉於世界各地的美軍基地,讓他了解了台灣和許多不同國家的文化。 他曾就讀華盛頓州的西華盛頓大學和印第安納衛斯理大學。 在一次馬禮遜美國學校的面試,當時的校長問他是否願意教授歷史,因為他大學時修了許多歷史課,使他接觸到了歷史和地理。 他教書教了大約 20 年。 在他教學生涯中,有一半時間他教的是英語。

閒暇時,Mr. Michael喜歡閱讀書籍和文章。 他推薦閱讀約瑟夫·埃利斯 (Joseph J. Ellis) 的《華盛頓傳》,還推薦閱讀葛拉罕·葛林 (Graham Greene) 撰寫的書籍。 他也喜歡看電影和分析電影。 他在經歷戰爭的父親身上學會了,在他被綁架時該如何應對,以及為朋友而犧牲自己的精神。他認為AST 一直在進步中,因為每個人都在使學校更好。


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