Hannah Liao (’26) & Chris Yang (’26) Dec. 6, 2022
“I believe in you!” When Mr. Johnson Ting looks at us silently and smiles, we know that there is a task to be done, and that he will let us solve it by ourselves. Johnson started working as a teacher at the age of 21, teaching web design and programming. His educational philosophy is very special, “money comes before dreams,” which is why he started working at 11 years old. Johnson keeps a low profile so he is very mysterious and savvy. He is also very devoted to the AST robotics teams, often staying at school until very late. We have since learned that he received a Master’s in Digital Learning and Education from the National Taiwan Institute of Technology in 2012, a Bachelor of Education from Columbia University and a Diploma in Technology Education from British Columbia Institute of Technology. In addition to his degrees, he has taught himself programming. In the past, he has taught woodworking, goldsmithing, robotics, and AP Computer Science.
「我相信你!」當Mr. Johnson Ting默默地看著我們微笑,就知道一定是有個重要的任務要做,他就會放手讓我們自己解決。Mr. Johnson 在21歲的時候開始當教師,教網頁設計和程式設計,他的理念非常特別,他說:「賺錢優先,夢想其次。」他從11歲時就開始自學程式設計賺錢,顯示出他是一個很實際的人。Johnson 非常低調、神秘而聰明,他也是位非常認真的老師,常常陪著AST的機器人團隊留在學校加班。他於2012年獲得國立台灣科技學院數字學習與教育碩士學位、英屬哥倫比亞大學教育學士及英屬哥倫比亞理工學院科技教育文憑。此外,他教過木工、金匠、機器人和AP 電腦科學,有多項專長。