Song Kim (’25) Jan. 13, 2023
Mr. Sparks is a high school English teacher who moved to Taiwan because of the friendly and optimistic people. He enjoys riding motorcycles and traveling, which is why he first visited Taiwan and fell in love with it. Even with some challenges during lessons, he thinks that every relationship with students is an opportunity to help them learn and himself to grow. Mr. Sparks once told his students about how he believes not all the students can master a skill at once and that he is willing to give enough opportunities. He is a patient and encouraging teacher who values students’ growth and hardwork the most. Other than his goal as a teacher, Mr. Sparks’ goal in life is to be happy and be proud of what he is doing. One time he said, “I am smiling most of the time underneath my mask.”
Mr. Sparks是高中英文老師。他被台灣人友善和樂觀的個性所吸引,因此決定到台灣生活。他熱愛騎摩托車和旅行,這也是他第一次造訪台灣後決定留下來的原因。在工作方面,雖然教學時會遇到一些困難和挑戰,但他覺得和每個學生的互動都是教學相長的過程。他認為不是每個學生都能一次就學會,因此他更在意學習過程中,學生是否進步,他願意多給學生機會,耐心地鼓勵學生。他的人生目標是開心的生活,以自己的工作和選擇為傲。他曾說:「雖然戴著口罩看不到,但我大部分的表情都是微笑的。」